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OJA Events

Please click on the event heading for more details.


The 2024 OJA annual dinner was held on 

Saturday 20th April

at the Queen's Hotel, Southsea. (The Royal suite.)

Tickets £50.00.


​The 2025 OJA Annual Reunion Dinner is scheduled for the

10th May 2025.


Historically the dinner has taken place the Saturday following Easter. This decision was based around access to the College and the school holidays. We are no longer constrained with these considerations but are also aware that a consistent date is useful for everyone to plan their attendance.We are now planning for the 3rd Saturday after Easter. This is a less premium date and is likely to provide for less expensive travel and accommodation. We plan to now use this recurring date for future planning of the dinner.

The OJA Annual golf is a tradition we value.

The 2024 OJA Annual Golf Tournament is currently being finalised, with a provisional date of Thursday October 3rd, at the Waterlooville Golf Club. 

Date 2024

The Duke's bar - Queen's hotel, Southsea

In the past, the OJA has arranged informal gatherings at Christmas.

Some of you may remember the evenings spent at the Wellington pub, Old Portsmouth.

The reunion was re-started, November 2023.

We are planning to carry on this tradition.

The November 2023 reunion was well-received by those who attended.

There was clearly an appetite to repeat the event in 2024.

Although only a small number attended the 2023 event

it was considered a success and worth building upon.

As the OJA develops from the watershed of the closing

of the college, we aim to expand our activities and

the events that we will offer in the future.

Not only do we hope to create new events ourselves,

but we are always keen to support OJA members

who wish to organise their own events.

If you have any ideas of your own, talk to us....



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